Oct 10, 2007

Adaptive Learning System

     Jeremy suggest me to explore the category of Adaptive Learning System during the first meeting. He believes it's the area worthy of investigating. We talk about what sub-topics need to be clarified, including:
1.Which units would be suitable to applied.
    Jeremy suggest me to find the units which may full of mythes when we are dealing with Geography teaching. By checking the National Curriculum Standard of Geography , there are some issues or units could be applied.
(1)Sustainable development or management
(4)Environmental Change(Global Warming)
(5)What is Geography Issues?

Then we need to analyze the knowledge system of each units, even we need to deconstruct it.
It's significantly that GIS is not among the chosen. 

2.What tools could be used?

2.應用MOODLE 建構原住民族語適性化數位學習之策略探討:以阿美族語為例


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